There’s Something Wrong with Family Guy

I’ve been a big cartoon watcher for a while. I like mostly adult-orientated stuff, such as The Simpsons and Rick and Morty. But there’s one show I don’t watch anymore, due to reasons you’ll hear in a second. It’s Family Guy. Even if you don’t watch it, you probably seen it once or twice in your life.
Anyways, last December, I was binge watching adult cartoons on some cartoon streaming site I can’t remember the name of, especially Rick and Morty. When I finished watching the third season, an idea popped into my mind. I decided to watch Family Guy for shits and giggles, even if the show was my least favorite and I never got into it.
I put the name of the show into the search bar and went to the most recent season and selected a random episode. It began with the intro, but then I noticed something off. In the part where the kids begin to sing, I noticed something peaking from the staircase. This specific sequence goes very quick, so I had a hard time making out what it was, but I could of sworn I saw sunken, bloodshot eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth.
The episode was normal. Just the usual cutaway gags and Peter Griffin antics. I forgot the plot of it though, but I think it was about Brian tweeting something that offended the entire town of Quahog. Though, throughout the episode, I saw that same creature from the intro, but again, it was in scenes that went by quick.
After the episode finished, I decided to go back and freeze frame to where that thing popped up. What I saw was very creepy... it was an arachnid-looking creature with the same sunken, bloodshot eyes and sharp teeth I talked about before, only it wasn’t staring at Peter, Brian, or any of the characters in the scene, but at the viewer.
I decided to watch another episode and the creature appeared again. I decided to stop watching the show and look at some cat videos to get my mind off that thing. The next day, I logged into my Gmail and got an email from an account called BlackDawn333.
It only said, “It’s coming...” and had an image attachment. I clicked on it. It was of the Griffin family’s living room, only extremely dark. I looked over at the staircase and there it was. The monster that had been in the Family Guy episodes I watched, staring deep into my soul.
I didn’t think much of it and assumed whoever made the site was pranking me, since I’ve registered an account on there with this Gmail account.
That night, I laid in my bed. I couldn’t stop thinking about that arachnid creature, creeping out from the Griffin family’s staircase, staring down at not them but at me, as if it was self aware.
I was starting to think that the Family Guy crew never intended to put it in as an easter egg and that something was definitely wrong with the copies of the episodes this guy uploaded. But that was impossible. This is real life. This isn’t a horror movie.
The next day, I decided to face my fears and watch another episode. This time, I noticed that the seasons appeared to glitch, because there was a season with the number of 89. I clicked on it and all the episodes were titled, “The Black Dawn”. I decided to click on the first one and it was just a black screen. I decided to watch the rest and they too were just nothing.
I made it to the 20th episode in the season, skipping a few, realizing they were just black screens, and I saw a first person perspective of something creeping up a staircase, seemingly on its hands and feet. The scene jumpcut and showed it in the attic and then I literally shit myself.
It was my attic.
I gasped in shock and realized it wasn’t a video and that it was live from my fucking attic. I began to scream and ran downstairs to get my phone. Looking back, I saw two bloodshot eyes peaking out from my attic.
Picking up my phone, I dialed 911. Soon, the police arrived and I told them some creep was in my attic. I didn’t want to tell them that some monster was using cartoons like Family Guy to track people by getting them to register on a cartoon streaming site. The police went up to my attic and, after a while, came back down.
There wasn’t anybody there.
The police thought I was joking and trying to mess with them, even I convinced them that I was serious. They ignored me and left, leaving me to myself.
I cried, knowing that creature was trying to kill me and that I was stupid enough to fall into its trap.
Then, suddenly...
I felt a clawed hand on my shoulder.